Peach Tart

Tart cream cheese and sweet peach combined together for this rich and refreshing Peach Tart.


  • Tart shell: I used Hanbit Cho’s tart shell recipe for this, so I recommend you try to make that one as well! My tart pan is about 22cm wide, so I rolled the tart crust to 5mm to make sure the tart would be stable. As long as it’s sturdy, any tart shell works in this case.
  • Filling: This peach tart is filled with a thin layer of peach jelly and peach flavored rare cheesecake. The peach jelly adds a nice vibrant color to this tart as well as more peach flavor and textural components. On top of the jelly is the layer of peach rare cheesecake, which makes up the majority of the peach tart filling. As a disclaimer, when mixing the peach puree and chunks into the cheesecake mixture it will look like peach yoghurt if you’re an optimist or it may look off-putting. Once the peach tart sets, the filling looks much better, so please trust the process. 😅
  • Decorative topping: The surface of the peach tart is decorated with cut peaches and whipped cream. I cut and shaped each individual peach piece that was on the tart, totalling 42 small pieces shaped as trapezoids with one side getting more narrow as I moved inward on the ring until the center pieces were all triangles as shown below. This was an extremely tedious process that I do not recommend. I did it this way to maintain true to the source material that was the inspiration for this peach tart. You may cut the peaches up however you like; I think it would look lovely in a rose motif like the design used for the peach pie I made, as well. However, if you’d like to make the peach tart in the same design as I did, I’ve provided further instructions in the recipe below and am more than happy to further explain any questions or confusion you might have!


  • Piping bag
  • Large round piping tip (2A)


This is a basic list and explanation of the key ingredients. For full list and measurements, please scroll down to the recipe below!

  • White peaches
    • You may use yellow peaches instead, just keep in mind they tend to be more tart and more firm so adjust the sweetness to your taste. I think the golden color would be just as lovely, so if you make this peach tart with yellow peaches, I’d love to see!
  • Tart shell
    • You can use whatever tart recipe is your favorite. As long as it’s sturdy, any tart shell works in this case. Store bought or even a graham cracker crust will work as well. In this peach tart recipe, there is no baking after the tart shell is ready, therefore any will work.
  • White chocolate
    • I used a thin layer of white chocolate to make the bottom of the crust sturdier for pouring in the jelly mixture, but you may omit if you do not feel the need to reinforce the shell.

Peach Syrup Ingredients

  • White peach
    • Boiling the two halves of the whole peach will give the syrup a peach flavor as well as a vibrant pink color.
  • ☆ Water
  • Sake
    • If you do not consume alcohol, use water instead of sake in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Sugar
  • Lemon juice
    • Lemon juice is added when making syrup to help break down the sugar molecules. This will help prevent the sugar in the syrup from crystallizing.

Peach Jelly Ingredients

  • Peach syrup
    • When making the peach syrup, be careful to let it only come to a simmer so the liquid doesn’t reduce. There should be enough to have a little excess just in case some liquid evaporates.
  • Unflavored gelatin
    • If you can’t have gelatin, you can substitute with agar agar. Keep in mind that agar agar is stronger than gelatin and you need to look up the conversion for the agar agar you have. For reference, I used 225 bloom gelatin.

Peach Rare Cheesecake

  • Cream cheese
  • Sugar
    • Sugar is used twice to make this component of the peach tart filling, once for mixing with the cream cheese and once for making the whipped cream, so be sure to closely follow the instructions below!
  • Peach syrup
    • Like the sugar, peach syrup is used twice here. Once for melting the gelatin into and once for flavoring the overall cheesecake filling, so please follow the instructions closely!
  • Unflavored gelatin
    • In this case the gelatin is used to set the cheesecake, so agar agar may be too firm to use. I would recommend finding vegan jel as it works best as a 1:1 replacement for gelatin in most scenarios. You may also use less agar agar, but I recommend doing your own research as I’m not too familiar with using agar agar.
  • Heavy cream
  • White peach
    • The white peach used for the cheesecake filling is the same white peach that was cooked to make the syrup. We only need one half of the peach cut into half again. Blend one of the quarters in with the syrup and chop the other which to mix in in so the peach tart has peach chunks throughout.


  • When mixing the peach rare cheesecake, the gelatin may set before you’ve finished whipping the cream. If this happens, it’s okay to gently warm up the mixture either in a bain-marie or the microwave. Make sure the mixture cools down until it is no longer warm to the touch before you add the whipped cream to avoid deflating the cream. However, once you’ve added the whipped cream, I would not recommend heating the mixture as this will change the texture of the end product.


If you recreate this Peach Tart recipe, please let me know by tagging me or leaving a comment on Instagram @maruryouri or TikTok @atsuryouri. I’d love to see your creations and hear your feedback! 

Peach Tart

Julie N.
The flavors of the tart cream cheese and sweet peach combined together make for a rich yet refreshing bright taste.
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American, Asian, Japanese
Servings 6 people


  • Piping bag
  • Large round piping tip (2A)


  • 1 tart shell
  • 20 g white chocolate

Peach Syrup

  • 1 white peach
  • 300 ml water
  • 50 ml sake
  • 50 g granulated sugar
  • 10 ml lemon juice

Peach Jelly

  • 150 g peach syrup
  • 5 g unflavored gelatin
  • Red food coloring optional

Peach Rare Cheesecake

  • 100 g cream cheese softened
  • 20 g granulated sugar
  • 15 ml peach syrup
  • 2 g unflavored gelatin
  • 75 ml heavy cream
  • 5 g sugar
  • ½ peach from making syrup
  • 40 g peach syrup

Peach Tart Decoration

  • 4 white peaches
  • 50 ml heavy cream
  • 5 g granulated sugar
  • 1 g vanilla extract


  • Prepare your tart shell, including the egg wash. Melt the white chocolate and brush a thin layer on the bottom of the tart. This will patch up any holes the tart shell may have as well as make the tart sturdier for when we pour in the jelly liquid.
  • Prepare the peaches to put on top of the peach tart. Peel 4 peaches and cut in half to remove the pit. Cut each peach into six slices, giving you 24 slices in total. Cut off the ends of each slice so that it looks more like a flat rectangle. Cut the rectangle into 2cm segments. These will be used to fit into each other like bricks in a circle for the top of the tart. If needed you may need to cut the pieces into trapezoids or triangles to fit seamlessly together. Place the pieces into an airtight container and refrigerate for now1.
  • Prepare the peach syrup. Cut one peach in half and remove the pit. Place both halves into a sauce pan. Pour in the water, sake2, sugar, and lemon juice. Optional, but you can peel the 4 peaches that will be used to decorate and add the peels into the syrup mix as well for a stronger peach pink color.
  • Heat the mixture over medium heat and let simmer for 5 minutes. Remove the peach halves and transfer to a container. Strain the syrup into the container and let cool completely.
  • Measure out 50g of peach syrup and sprinkle the unflavored gelatin over it. Mix together then melt in the microwave (about 15 seconds).
  • Measure out another 100g of peach syrup and add the completely melted gelatin to it. Stir to mix evenly. At this point, add a little red food coloring to make the jelly pink.
  • Pour the peach jelly mixture into the tart shell into a layer about 3mm thin. Refrigerate to solidify for about 15 minutes.
  • While the jelly sets, prepare the peach rare cheesecake. In a mixing bowl, loosen the softened cream cheese by folding and spreading it a few times with a silicone spatula. Add the 20g of sugar and mix using the same motion.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the peach syrup and gelatin and microwave to melt, about 10 seconds. Add the melted gelatin to the cream cheese and mix until evenly combined. Set aside for now.
  • In a separate bowl, combine the heavy cream and 5g of sugar and whip with a hand mixer until it has soft peaks, or about 70% whipped. Add the whipped cream to the cream cheese and mix to combine.
  • Take one half of the peach that was boiled for the syrup and cut it in half again. Chop one quarter into small cubes, about half a centimeter in size, and set aside. Put the other quarter into a food processor along with 40g peach syrup. Process until it becomes a puree.
  • Pour the peach puree and peach chunks into the cheesecake mixture and fold to combine.
  • Pour the peach cheesecake mixture into the tart over the layer of jelly. Use an offset spatula or acetate to smooth the top over. Before the cheesecake has set, place the peach pieces on top of the tart. You should be able to create a circle of peaches in the center of the tart with a 2cm or 1in gap from the edge of the tart shell. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to set.
  • About 5 minutes before the peach tart has set, whip the cream, sugar, and vanilla until stiff peaks. Fill the whipped cream into a piping bag fitted with a large round tip (2A).
  • Remove the peach tart from the refrigerator. Pipe the whipped cream in small segments as long as each peach piece on top to fill the gap between the peaches and tart crust. Carefully pipe the last segment so that it fits seamlessly with the first one, and the peach tart is done! 完成です!


  1. Feel free to cut the peaches how you want! This method was extremely tedious, but I cut it that way to stay true to the source material.
  2. If you do not consume alcohol, use water instead of sake.
Keyword Dessert, Dessert Recipe, Game Recipe, Japanese Recipe, Peach, Sweet Recipe, Tart

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